Send Codes as Admin

In this documentation, you'll learn how to send invite codes to users as an Admin of the site.

Some of these explanations involve Addons and extensions. Whenever required will be explicitly expressed.

There are four ways to send Invites as Admin.

Way #1

Step #1

Click on the Invite Codes tab, located in the left middle section of the WordPress screen, and then in Add New.

Step #2

In the Invite Codes generation page, insert an Email in the eMail text box. Configure the invite code any way you want and then click on publish

Once you click on publish, an email will be automatically delivered to that email inbox.

Your email receptor will receive an email like this:

Way #2

Step #1

you can send invite codes by simply copying and paste the code and send them through any messaging app.

This could be useful to giveaway invite codes for social network platforms.

To do that go to the Invite Codes tab, located in the left middle section of the WordPress screen, and then clicking on Add New tab button.

Step #2

In the Invite Codes generation page, copy the generated code, located in the top right corner of the Invite Code Menu. Now you are ready to paste it anywhere you want.

Way #3 and Way#4

The third and fourth ways involve the All In One Invite Codes BuddyPress Integration, therefore you need to have it installed, along with BuddyPress plugin

Tho see this documentation please click here: Send Codes as Admin With BuddyPress Add-On.

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