Translation of WC4BP

The default language of WC4BP is English. If you wish to switch to a different language, a translated version of the plugin can be downloaded from 

After you change WordPress language if the language of WC4BP is not changing is because the language file does not exist. you will need to create it.  

All contributions are welcome!!!

In this way, all user can benefit from the translation. If the translation in a given language is nonexistent or incomplete, you can contribute translated strings or start a new translation by registering at WordPress and translating. Exist other ways like using plugins like PoEdit. 

We recommend making the change online. Follow the next steps.

  1. Open the link
  2. Search for your language in the list.
  3. Click the title to land in the section for that language. 
  4. Click the heading under Set/Sub Project and view and download a Stable version. 
  5. Scroll down to the bottom and export a .mo file for use on your site. 
  6. Rename this file to, for example in the case of Spanish Spain it should be es_ES.
  7. Upload to your site under wp-content/languages/wc4bp-premium/languages/ or wp-content/languages/wc4bp/languages/.
  8. The translation file is ready to use.

We plan to include more languages in the core when they will be 100% translated. 

Thanks for making the plugin awesome. 

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