How to use Invite Codes in the Ultimate Member Registration

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will go over all the steps needed to use Invite Codes in Ultimate Member Registration Forms.

Follow the Video and tutorial to understand every step in detail

Step 1 Install all Depandfancies

1. Ultimate Member
2. All in One Invite Codes

Step 2
Create the Invite Code Form Element in Ultimate Member. For this go to Ultimate Members/Forms and Select the Registration Form you like to make an Invite only. Click on Edit and add a new Form field.

Required Options
Check "is this field required" to yes
Validation needs to be set to "Custom Validation"
Custom Action needs to be set to "invite_only"

Create the Validation
We need to add a custom function to the function.php for validation. You can do so by using the inbuild theme editor or by directly editing your theme files. Please make sure that you have a child theme installed. Otherwise, your changes will get lost with every update.

Add this code to your functions.php or load it as a plugin or custom code.

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