
Please make sure you have the following dependencies plugin installed and activated

  1. All In One Invite Codes
  2. All in One Invite Codes BuddyPress 
  3. BuddyPress

All In One Invite Codes BuddyPress Addon
You can get this product in the Add-on tab, located on the left side of the screen, at the bottom of the Invite Codes tab.

Click on All In One Invite Codes BuddyPress product. Remember that you need a license to do somnor start your free trial.

Ensure that the check box anyone can register is checked, otherwise, the register option in the login of your page will be disabled. This checkbox is located in Settings, on the left side of the screen

- Make sure that you have Profile Integration and BuddyPress Registration options enabled. 

- Click on Settings, just below the Invite Codes main tab.

- Click on the BuddyPress tab, located on the upper side of the screen.

Step 1:

Create a new form on the BuddyPress tab, located on the left side of the screen, by clicking on add new.

Previous document

All in One Invite Codes BuddyPress: Use Invite Codes in BuddyPress Registration page. With this extension, your members will be able to access new invite codes from their profile and Invite their friends.

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