Sign up Forms

By default WC Vendors use the Dashboard Home to ask user to become Vendors. Non Vendors see a Become a Vendor form and vendors see there Dashboard. This is limited and if BuddyPress is used does not makes sense.

WC BP Vendors depends on BuddyForms to create Sign up forms and ask during sign up for all relevant data. Automatically assign new users vendor rights and sync all data with WordPress and BuddyPress. This all is possible with the free version of BuddyForms.

Use the Shortcodes Generator
You can use the [bp_wcv_bav] Shortcode to display the default "Become a Vendor" Form in any Page.
To display a Registration/Login form for logged off user you need to create a new Registration form with BuddyForms. Use the Shortcode generator to generate the correct shortcode. The Shortcode will display the registration form for logged off users and the "Become a vendor" Form if logged in but not a Vendor.
Add to My Account for non Vendors
If you integrate the My Account into BuddyPress It make sense to Integrate the "Become a vendor" Form into the My Account (Shop Tab).
To do so create a page and add the shortcode [bp_wcv_bav] as content. In the next step add this Page in the WC4BP Integrate Pages Settings as new Page. This will add the "Become a Vendor Form to the Shop Tab as Sub Tab."

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